Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tara's Rose Headband

Tara, my youngest has recently become totally enamored with headbands for her hair.  I saw a picture on Pintrest about how to make a fabric rose bracelet.  I basically took the idea and expanded it.  I made three roses with twice the length that the tutorial suggested, and then made more roses (smaller ones, per directions on the tutorial) to fill out the top (it took 4 more, 7 total roses).  The tutorial said to glue the roses to felt, and then glue that to ribbon.  Smartie me thought, "Why glue it to the ribbon?  I'll sew it!"  Halfway through the third,  large rose, my poor fingers cried out and simply refused to push the needle and thread through anymore.  It was just too hard to get the needle through the glue that was gluing the roses to the felt.  Oh well, I glued the rest, and it turned out pretty well.  Oh, and one other change, is that I pressed the strips with my iron after the first couple roses.  I found it just too hard to keep the fabric from straightening back out while winding and twisting.

Here's a link to the tutorial that I followed...

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